sábado, 23 de enero de 2016

Post Office - Charles Bukowski (33/50)

Charles Bukowski published Post Office in 1971. It is the story of Henry Chinaski, an american white post officer who is in charge to deliver the mail of American people. He joins that federal institution which is obssessed about process and time. During his life as a clerk he enjoys sexual pleasure with Betty. At the begining, there is a supervisor called Stone who is strict and obssessed with Chinaski mistakes. That is one of the reasons to leave. Nonetheless when he realizes private service is as difficult as federal one, he returns to the Federal Service.

In spite of difficult amounts of duties, Chinaski can enjoy love and pleasure. He knows a town girl called Joyce. Daughter of a rich man, she is kind and tolerant. With she came a dog, parakeets and geraniums. Nontheless when she began to feel frustrated, the relationship started to9 fail. At the end, she decides de leave Chinaski for a collegue.

Betty has health problems. The health service let her die. The man who captivated Joyce was not really interested at her. When he knew about her divorce he started to avoid her.  Henry keeps enjoying his contacts with women until he meets Fay. She is a writer, dressed in black, with gray hair and against war. She got pregnant and gave birth to Marina Louise Chinaski. However, like all Henry's women, she feel attracted to another man and leaves to New Mexico with her daughter.

At his job it becomes a routine recieving notes threatening to make a sanction for bad behaviors like driving drunk. Actually, his police record is not good at all. The supervisors are always sending him notes because he is late, because he has taken more rest than authorized, etc. And he is always answering with anguer.

At the end, he retires from post office. There is a physician who brings a human heart and monitor Chinaki's health. Henry keeps going to parties and makings friends. And decides to write a novel.

The story is told from the words of Chinaski. The character and his personality are involved in each paragraph of this book. Sometimes Henry narrates the facts and sometimes he quotes conversations. It is used a fluid and kind English. I think it is fabulous humor and kindness of the main character and the great simplicity of scenes. I have started to love Bukowski: no cheap philosophy, real human beings.

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