domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013

A Love for Life - Penny Hancock

Fanella want to tell her best friend something important, she has broken up with Steven. He has a new woman in his life. Fanella is destroyed beauces the only thing she has is loneliness. There is a big desire inside her heart that does not allow her to stop fighting. She want to adopt and it is going to be more complicated if she is going to do it alone.

Teresa has small secret she feels attraction for Rod his son's teacher. There is a near relation between Timothy and Fanella. Destiny made Rod and Fanella met. She felt attraction at first sight but he was married to a wealth and wonderful woman (blonde). It was an impossible love.

Fanella knew about a girl who was giving troubles to Norma. Ellie is a sensible and honest girl who behaves like an adult but keeps the innocence of a girl. They feel affection fastly. She gets on with Fanella as soon as she takes her to the park.

Mark is a handsome man and he is interested in Fanella. She wants to have someone else than Ellie in her life, why not Mark? Slowly when she realises who is Mark there is a small trace of disappointment. Actually, Mark has children but he believes strongly in discipline as a way of teaching. 

A really spoiled boy called Dan acusses Rod of violence. Her mother says his bruises are Rod's fault. He is suspended something that depreses him deeply. He realises who Leah (his wife) really is. Slowly he falls in love with Fanella.

Can love fight against obstacles? Can it?

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2 comentarios:

Elena P.G. dijo...

Yes, I think so. Although it is hard to do so and fight for it. And not everybody dares!!!

Elena P.G. dijo...
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