viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Aeneid-Virgil (1/50)

The Aeneid was written by Virgil in the I century B.C. It has a special link with Caesar Augustus. The book is set in the ruins of Troy. Aeneas should suffer the defeat because of Hellens. In front of a destroyed culture and city, the son of Venus (Aeneas) leaves home in order to find new beginings.

Gods and godesses have meaningful influence over people. In this case, Juno dislike Trojan people. She tries to impede the arrival of them to Italy. Aneas and his people arrive to Carthage governed by Dido. They fall deeply in love until Mercury tells Aeneas his destiny is far from that place and his mission bigger. Tragedy starts when the hero leaves in spite of Dido's efforts to save their relationship. Dido, a lonely woman decides to die and invokes gods to witness her sadness.

Juno is a strong force of opposition for Trojans. Actually, when they have settled in Sicily, the goddess convinces women to burn ships. Aeneas with a selected group leaves that place and travels to Cumae. There, he meets a prophetess who show them the road to the underworld. The hero may talk to his father and tries to have contact with Dido but she is really sad and rejects him.

The travelers go to Latium where the king is Latinus. He has been told that her daughter Lavinia should marry with Aeneas; however, Amata (the queen) wants she to marry with Turnus, a local prince and brother of Juturna. Juno provokes a war. Aeneas allies with Arcadian and Etruscan people by order of the god of River Tiber.

Aeneas wears an armor with Roman future designs. In spite of trying to spot war or reduce it to a fight between Aeneas and Turnus, it does never stop until Aeneas kills Turnus.

A classical Latin book that takes Greek mithology and links it to the Roman empire creating a new myth. It is interesting how positions change between Homer and Virgil. The second one gives to the Trojan people a revenge. However, the values related to the war and its changes may be seen in both writers.

"Just as it is in dreams
At the time of night when we are deepest asleep,
We seem to want to exert our utmost efforts
But cannot move and in the very midst
Of our greatest striving helplessly sink down,
Our tongues cleave, we cannot move a muscle
Though knowing our bodie's powers, we cannot

1 comentario:

aristos dijo...

I read the book a very long time ago, but thanks to your review I have just remembered it as if it was yesterday: thanks, luvvy!!
Ps: It´s me, Elena P.G. But I had to use another account as the other has no access by now