viernes, 4 de agosto de 2017

Faceless Killers - Henning Mankell - 1991 (13/100)

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Kurt Wallander is a policeman that researches about a brutal murder against an elder couple. During his search, the book reveals a character is slowly losing his personal life. His daughter does not visit him and his father is under a period of confussion that make him harsh and difficult to treat. On the other hand, he reveals as narrow minded respect his father's profession. After a divorce, he tries to rebuild his life but his job requires a great commitment that usually takes most of his life.

The book is based on the discoverings Wallander does. But these, are also the reader discoveries which makes it a good fiction piece. There is a network of suspects who may includ a wide range. For example, the brother of the elder woman killed, reveals that the man had a secret life and a hidden son. Situations like murderings against inmigrants imply an increased range of charachters. 

The story examines fiction, racism, violence and a change of age. Actually, Wallander confess he is astonished by the violence executed by murderers. The circumstances make believe country and small towns are migrating towards a similar state of unsafety compared with cities. 

During research, Wallander discovers Johannes Lovegreen retired a considerable amount of money. Many theses are developed around a possible revenge from his son. I believe the most interesting characters are the single women trying to deny they had an affaire. However, simpler equations may lead to simpler conclusion. Perhaps, the words of the agonizyng woman were true and some foreigners killed them. But how did he conclude it?

What I liked about the story was its feeling of research and amusement. It has been identified as the best book of Mankell. However, in spite of the interesting storyline I did not find it particularly memorable. I believe Mankell may have better and unrecognyzed books.


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