jueves, 24 de enero de 2013

He knows too much-Alan Maley

Derek is the manager of Trakton, a company that's around the world. He has everything an adult could desire: a good job, experience and a wife with an active social life. He lives in Madras, India a place that describes the current situation of the country: a mixture between the fast production and ancient traditions. 

One day he finds out some extrange movements inside his company. He suspects of "Vish". Inmediatly he asks for support to Keith, one of the high members of the company in England. Instead his good way to work and his valuable experience around the world his friend's help is denied.

In a really kind way he becomes in one of other retired people. He becomes a drunk man always complaining about his lack of life. One day his wife tired of that immature behavior decides to leave him. He realises he has to do something against dark actions of Vish.

He travels to India again in a research that will link him to old friends, dark secrets, corruption, the colleges of his youth, teachers from the past and the love of his life. This books tries to make an analogy between India and England through typical ceremonies, clothes and behaviors. 

Two lessons are learnt from this book: the punishment for dark actions is the person you become and when everything is lost it is the opportunity to discover really important things in unexpected places.

I know my English is not perfect... But the goal of this text is to improve it.

Picture from: http://www.layoverguide.com/2012/07/layover-in-chennai-madras-india.html

1 comentario:

Elena P.G. dijo...

You´ll improve it if you continue this way, practising. And I got the desire of reading the book you talk about!!!